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19 March 2013

Eureka! A Blog Button .....and a headache!!!

Finally managed to create a blog button! Yippeeeeeeee! It may have taken hours and numerous attempts but its here please feel free to test it and let me know if it works, 'cos if it doesn't there is a drawing board with my name on it!!!

Firstly I had to create the button...

I used  fotoflexer photo editing package.  Really good fun! Free as well!

Then I tried to manually manipulate the code for the button.  I got the button to appear but not the grab box...sooooo back to google and after a few more searches found this :

It was a eureka moment as my blog button appeared with its code.

Hope this helps you if;

a - you are struggling to complete this process yourself
b- you did it manually and can help yourself to a a smug smile at my expense - clever clogs!

Anyway I should have been asleep 3 hours ago so toodle pip!

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