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22 February 2013

It's the Weekend .... yippeee.... but got to get to grips with a trashed spare room!

Well its all go at Wingletang major works are underway as we give the old girl a complete face and roof lift! However this means that 'Pisky Cove' has moved wholesale back to the Midlands as Wingletang will be uninhabitable for a few months. 

So moving from a full studio with a sea view I am now working from a bungalow with no studio!!!!!! To say I have made a mess of 83 is a bit mild SO this weekend it is time to get organised, I shall tie some rope around my waist and head in.........

for some reason my husband feels his office has got smaller since I landed....!

My spinning wheels have found themselves good places to rest!

As a  treat I am using my newly spun lambswool, Romney and Jacob mixed 'Wingletang Wool' for a carpet bag project ..

watch this space... tidiying first fun after!

P.s I haven't been twiddling my thumbs I have managed a bit of spinning......

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