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About Me

My name is Cayte Walker and at 42 I am old enough to know better... Now just need to work out what I should know better than!!!

I learnt to knit on a wet and windy day whilst on our annual family caravan holiday in Cornwall at the tender age of around 9! It was my Aunty Margaret that kept my cousin and I amused for a whole afternoon with the patience of a saint teaching us to knit and crochet!

Over the years I have returned to knitting, But two years ago Knitting quite literally saved my sanity.

This is a bit sad, but please stick with me and it will all make sense... in January 2010 after months of being ill and being offered no diagnosis my Mother was found to have advanced Cancer.  After having already lost Dad to a brain tumour in 1998 the shock was as devastating as the disease. 

Well we had 5 months together lots of laughs and tears along the way but the final days saw me sat by her hospital bed as we put the worlds to right together!
When we could no longer chat, much of my time was sat there whilst she slept so I once again reached for the knitting needles - it was quiet, kept my hands busy and my mind occupied.

 This time I never put the needles down and two years on I have left patterns behind me as I am designing my own items & garments and have re-fallen in love with the process of creating!
By the way here is my wonderful mother pulling her 'dragon' face that always made me giggle...

She really was a diddle
I miss her very much......


  1. I do a pretty llama face! but I like the idea of the dragon, so I might just have to practice xx


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