Well it is nearly a week since I tackled the creative 'mess' that is 'Pisky Cove' at the moment and the news is ...I SURVIVED...Just!!!
The door can now be opened and my husband did a little jig in the space that now is his office as he now has space to move....the problem is I cant find a thing now!
It is no good, the fact is creativity IS messy and I am pretty creative!
As well as sorting out my stash I have also been trying to get to grips with a Dryad countermarche loom....after weeks of struggling I sent to America for help in the form of this book....
As I awaited its arrival Murphy's law kicked in and I nearly cracked it, and my head, after another Saturday sat under the heddles ......
I Know it doesn't actually look impressive but believe me it is a major step forward!
The book is great as well and this Satuday may see it get warped properly..ooh er....
Also got to say good bye to Yarn Pisky 'BEAU'
she is off to a new home and will be taking with her a sister called 'DELIA' who will be born this weekend!!! I will post a picture as soon as she as she arrives... she is just a pale green foot at the mo!!!
'OLIVE' has already gone to her new home and is getting on very well I am told..
So that is about it for another week at the Cove I am chasing another loom so I will up date you on that if I can secure it and if you are strugging with a countermarche loom do send me a message and we can share our woes!!!